Cloud Alert Air Client - Command Line Reference

Last Updated: 2 Jan 2019

Options can be specified in any order on the commandline. An option can be specified through its short name (for example, '-q') or its long name ('--quiet'). Additionally, values can be passed alongwith some of the options. These are separated by the option name by a space ('-m 12345' or '--msgid 12345'). For long names, an equals symbol can be used in place of the space (--msgid=12345).

Mode Options

-s, --sendmsg
Select the mode to send a message.

-u, --signup
Select the mode to signup for a new account on Cloud Alert's servers.

Message Sending Options

These options are used for sending a message.

The phone number of the destination handset. The number must include the country code, but without any leading 0s or '+' symbols. For example, --dest=447960631281.

-c CONTENT, --content[=]CONTENT
The textual content of the message. Content that include spaces must be wrapped in quotes.

-a CATEGORY, --category[=]CATEGORY
The category of the message. One of the values alert/a/promotion/promo/p/notif/n. Default is 'alert'

-n NAME, --division[=]NAME
The division of the organization. This name is displayed to recipients.

-m ID, --msgid[=]ID
The id of this message. If not specified, the client will generate a sequentially increasing id number. Note that Cloud Alert performs duplicate checking on message ids, hence subsequent messages with the same id will not be sent. See section MESSAGE ID for details.

-o FILE, --config[=]FILE
The path and name of the configuration file. Optional; defaults to ~/.config/cloudalert/airclient/cloudalertcl.conf

-i FILE, --identityfile[=]FILE
The path and name of the identity file. Optional; defaults to ~/.config/cloudalert/airclient/identity.db

General Options

These options can can be used in any mode.

-v, --verbose
Display more information. Specifying verbose twice causes it to display debugging information.

-q, --quiet
Display less information. Specifying it twice causes it to suppress regular output; error output is always displayed.

-h, --help
Displays this help information.

Signup Options

These options are specified only during signup. You can specify these in the config file so as to retain a record of your signup parameters, but since they are encoded into the security certificate, they cannot be altered once the signup is complete.

-g NAME, --sendername[=]NAME
The name of the sender to be displayed. This name is included in the certificate and identity, and thus cannot be changed.

-l FILE, --logofile[=]FILE
The image to be displayed to recipients. PNG and JPEG are supported formats. This image is included in the certificate and identity, and thus cannot be changed.

-e EMAIL, --emailaddr[=]EMAIL
The email address to be registered.


A simple example of sending a message.
cloudalert --sendmsg --dest=447960631281 --content="The test was successful" --division=A51

Messages can be sent to multiple recipients by repeating the -d parameter.
cloudalert -sv -d 447960631281 -d 447960631282 -c "The test was successful" -n A51

Switches with / can be used on Microsoft Windows only.
cloudalert /s /d 447960631281 /d 447960631282 /c "The test was successful" /n A51

The rest of the parameters specified in the config file allow this to be a valid command.
cloudalert -s

Signing up
cloudalert --signup --sendername="EAF" --emailaddr="" --logofile=/etc/images/logo.jpg

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